Lynn Fisher’s Instagram Archive

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Photos tagged neat things

two chicken Mcnugget ornaments with faces, one dressed as Santa and the other dressed as Frosty

Guardians of the Galaxy vinyl soundtrack Mondo edition

leather stools in the shape of cheeseburgers

&yet hoodies and felt yeti ornament care package

hand holding necklace with rupee from Legend of Zelda

hand holding a miniature red Solo cup about the size of a shot glass

letter opener that looks like Sting from Lord of the Rings

variety of Christmas ornaments including Disney, Harry Potter, and Dr. Seuss characters

action figures of the donut cops from Wreck-it Ralph

row of vintage lanterns hanging from a beam

1-inch buttons of various emblems from Futurama, Star Wars, Lost, and Super Mario

sheets with round stickers of emblems from Star Trek, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Super Mario, Legend of Zelda, Android, Apple, and Windows

stacks of Field Notes notebooks

Amelie movie poster cut up and arranged in several smaller frames

toilet with “R. Mutt 1917” sticker on it ala Duchamp’s “The Fountain”

two small Paradise Pier Hotel bottles of bath gel and lotion each with plastic mickey ear lids