Lynn Fisher’s Instagram Archive

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Photos tagged meltmedia

light brown little dog that looks like a fox

close up of a painting of fabric and gold buttons

glass of bourbon with a nice big ice cube

little white fox dog at a desk with his paws on a keyboard



rows of red and green Christmas stockings with names written in puff paint

trash can with a small post-it note that says “Knock loud” stuck to the bag inside

man wearing a giant papier-mâché head of Dave Woodruff, his hands are on his cheeks so he looks worried

black pit bull sitting in the sun and looking out the office window

pink post-it note with just the word “internet” written on it

1-inch buttons of various emblems from Futurama, Star Wars, Lost, and Super Mario

sheets with round stickers of emblems from Star Trek, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Super Mario, Legend of Zelda, Android, Apple, and Windows

stacks of Field Notes notebooks

Dave wearing a cotton candy mustache