Lynn Fisher’s Instagram Archive

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Photos tagged family

two people making tracks on freshly fallen snow

four bundled up Fishers standing in a snowy walkway lined with leafless trees

Clay, Nate, and Austin wearing t-shirts about being the oldest, middle, and youngest sibling

Clay with a birthday cake and the candles are like little flares

mom cooking in the wok with giant chopsticks

lots of cousins around grandma

Wick with a Marilyn Monroe statue

fish eye photo of Steve holding baby Rebekah

Henry pointing to the pig’s head on my mom’s plate

dad and mom smiling big

Henry jumping into the pool where Steve waits

Lynn as a wee baby being held by her mom and making a face like she just pooped herself

Clay holding a newborn baby all wrapped up

small kid eating birthday cake with his hands

little Henry looking at an iPhone while wearing big sunglasses

small child’s head barely peeking over a table with a plate of food

a hand holds out a fish and baby Henry leans over to kiss it

man in a float tube fishing in the middle of a lake surrounded by trees

Dad, Steve, and baby Henry

Steve and Vanessa with Henry and a basketball birthday cake

grandmother with her five grown children and their spouses

Vanessa sitting at the table and baby legs can be seen from below

Lynn and Vanessa singing into hand microphones

Henry asleep in the car, mouth open

Austin helps Nate tie his tie while Clay supervises

small baby looks up from the floor

man standing on some brushy hills

split photo of my dad looking at his phone and a Scrabble board

Chinese lion dance

fortune cookie favor with Steve <3 Vanessa written on the fortune

Chinese wedding silk