Lynn Fisher’s Instagram Archive

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Photos tagged boomer

black dog with speckled white face asleep on the couch in the sun

two dogs laying on a chair by an open window, one is napping and the other is looking outside

black dog lying down and facing backwards toward the camera

black dog illuminated by firelight

happy black dog rolling around in the grass

very sleepy dog with her eyes barely open

black dog napping on a small rug, the corner of the rug is curled up against her face

black dog with pointy ears looks out the window

black dog wearing a harness lies patiently next to a person sitting in a chair

black dog standing on the back of an armchair reaching her face to sniff a gingerbread house on the counter

black and white photo of a black dog with pointy ears and white snout, her face white with age

two pups laying on a freshly made bed

black dog laying on an armchair and wearing a blue birthday hat

black dog laying on the couch and a smiling bao stuffie sits on top of her

two dogs sleeping on a bed; they are back to back and the curves of their backs fit together perfectly

dog napping in the grass with dried grass all over her face

black dog biting a stuffed pepperoni pizza toy

dog mouth open eating some food and looking happy

black dog soaking in the sun on the couch

black dog sitting on a rug

black dog with white kissed face hairs lays on a pillow

closeup of a black dog resting on a bed, her face is speckled with white hairs of age; another small dog can be seen sleeping further up the bed

small brown dog nuzzles into bigger black dog on the couch

black and white photo of the pups on the couch

two pups asleep on an armchair, one on the seat and one on the top cushion

small black dog underneath a coffee table below some tasty noodles

bigger dog laying on top of smaller dog

black dog with pointy ears and beautiful eyes laying her head on the arm of a couch

black dog hugging a pink crochet bunny toy

black dog looking up

black dog laying in a dog bed with her nose touching the tile floor

small dog doing a big yawn

small black dog with an acorn toy

two dogs each with their mouth on one end of a squeaky toy

a black dog laying in the sun stripes from window blinds

two pups laying in a dog bed

black and white photo of a black and white dog

black and white photo of a black dog with white snout and pointed ears

two different pics of a black dog laying down with a small tennis ball placed on her hind leg

Boomer looking sad in a vet office

black dog with white snout and shiny bone-shaped collar tag that says “Boomer”

two pups

Boomer smiling atop Clay’s shoulder

dog sitting patiently in front of a bowl of a food. a smaller dog sits behind her, craning his neck to see the food

dog perched atop a couch next to a sunny window

sleepy black dog in the dark

black dog laying in the grass

cute black dog resting head on a smaller, also cute dog

black dog with beautiful eyes and white dipped snout

two dogs curled up spooning in a small dog bed

Clay in his office with two adorable dogs on his lap

small black dog in front of a painting of a woman doing math

two dogs on a bed, one has fancy crossed paws and the other is tilting his head curiously

black dog with the cutest face looking over a couch cushion

dog patiently sitting next to a half-eaten In n Out burger

sleepy black dog on a couch

black dog looking sad while wearing head cone

two dogs sitting on their own little dog bed with wood wall letters ‘H’ and ‘B’ for their names

two pups asleep on the couch

two pups laying in bed with their noses touching

split photo of two dogs laying in bed

black dog looking sleepy

two dogs on the couch looking cute

happy black dog laying on some tiles

Clay and Boomer (a little black dog with pointy ears) smiling