Lynn Fisher’s Instagram Archive

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Dave wearing a cotton candy mustache

two dogs on a bed, one has fancy crossed paws and the other is tilting his head curiously

Clay and Helo (small dog) snuggling in bed

entrance to Star Tours at Disneyland

black dog with the cutest face looking over a couch cushion

Amelie movie poster cut up and arranged in several smaller frames

box of four colorful cupcakes

leg wrapped in a bandage next to a Diet Dr. Pepper

dog patiently sitting next to a half-eaten In n Out burger

toilet with “R. Mutt 1917” sticker on it ala Duchamp’s “The Fountain”

sleepy black dog on a couch

Jake mouth open, excited, as he stirs a bowl

stuffed badger

field of corn

tabletop game with cards laid out in a grid each with colored dice on top

split photo of my dad looking at his phone and a Scrabble board

Clay smiling at his desk with a painting of me wearing a viking helmet in the background

black dog looking sad while wearing head cone