Lynn Fisher’s Instagram Archive

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Jake excited, holding a big mug of beer

black pit bull sitting in the sun and looking out the office window

small baby looks up from the floor

Boomer smiling atop Clay’s shoulder

dog sitting patiently in front of a bowl of a food. a smaller dog sits behind her, craning his neck to see the food

floppy monkey dog toy on the carpet

small square arist canvas next to palette knives, brushes, and two colors of acrylic paint

mannequin torso sitting on the floor of a store, it has a shirt on but no pants so its butt is howing

small dog under the bed

big smoke cloud against the sun

grainy black and white photo of two horses in a field, one appears to have a unicorn horn

row of vintage lanterns hanging from a beam

dog perched atop a couch next to a sunny window

mounted deer head with fluffy white hair coming out of its ear

woodsy yard

small brown dog sitting on a bed with a portrait of himself on the wall behind

mint julep in a 138th Kentucky Derby cup

two toys of an alien from Toy Story and Zoidberg from Futurama