Lynn Fisher’s Instagram Archive

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black and white photo of a black dog with white snout and pointed ears

big serving tray full of edamame

stack of 8 board game boxes for Dominion expansions

two different pics of a black dog laying down with a small tennis ball placed on her hind leg

letter opener that looks like Sting from Lord of the Rings

big American flag spread out over a football field

grandmother with her five grown children and their spouses

Boomer looking sad in a vet office

can of spotted dick

Vanessa sitting at the table and baby legs can be seen from below

white faux deer head with a red ornament hanging from its antler

globs of paint on a palette

rows of red and green Christmas stockings with names written in puff paint

variety of Christmas ornaments including Disney, Harry Potter, and Dr. Seuss characters

foggy swamp

Lynn holding up two butterbeers to her mouth

Hogwarts castle at Universal Studios

Lynn in the mouth of Bruce the shark from Finding Nemo