Lynn Fisher’s Instagram Archive

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stuffed panda leaning against some bamboo

tiny dog tucked into a bed in between two pillows

two pups laying in a dog bed

a pair of feet in flip flops on the beach

man standing barefoot on the beach

ad sign for Penn & Teller with Teller jumping rope with Penn’s brains

brushy flatland with snowy mountains in the background

Lynn popping her head up from behind a big tank painted like a guy

a gas station shaped like a tea pot with red spout and handle

Clay sitting next to a bull statue who is sitting on a bench

big Public Market sign

glass atrium with large glass yellow and red flowers hangin from the ceiling

the view of Seattle from atop the Space Needle

the Space Needle

Dick‘s drive-in burger stand

copper Portlandia, a classical woman holding a trident, statue atop a building

Chinese pagoda on a pond

Clay taking a big bite of a Froot Loop donut