Lynn Fisher’s Instagram Archive

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Sleeping Beauty castle at Disneyland lit up at night

stack of menus for Club 33 at Disneyland

rack of decorated Christmas sugar cookies

Lynn and Clay at a wedding banquet wearing matching white sunglasses

mason jar of lemonade labeled with a heart that says Table 16

little Henry looking at an iPhone while wearing big sunglasses

Clay has a huge beard

black dog laying in a dog bed with her nose touching the tile floor

Clay excitedly holding up Aiden, who is just a kid

Jake taking a big drink of beer from a huge glass mug

wall of clipboards, each with a picture of a cute dog

foggy view of Hawaiian landscape

shores of Waikiki

jungle mountains of Manoa

small waterfall along a large rock face

small baby pineapple growing on its plant

sunny and blue beach waves

ship workspace with mid-century styling, furniture, and tech as if preserved in time