Lynn Fisher’s Instagram Archive

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pair of Vans on some cool mosaic tile flooring

It’s A Small World all lit up for Christmas

cluster of Baymax mylar balloons

kid getting an autograph from Hiro and Baymax cast members at Disneyland

leather stools in the shape of cheeseburgers

small brown dog nuzzles into bigger black dog on the couch

fish eye photo of Steve holding baby Rebekah

Henry pointing to the pig’s head on my mom’s plate

Jake on a hiking trail holding his hands up to his eyes like bionculars

black and white photo of the pups on the couch

dad and mom smiling big

Pete Wentz playing bass real close by

Henry jumping into the pool where Steve waits

huge corn dog on a giant bed of fries

rain clouds over the lake

a traveling bar on wheels with rows of bicycle seats and pedals

baseball stadium

cool waterfall amongst pine tree forest