Lynn Fisher’s Instagram Archive

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black dog with speckled white face asleep on the couch in the sun

crossed feet in socks inside a colorful hammock on a porch illuminated with string lights

small brown dog stands on a rock at the edge of a lake

art print featuring a yellow background and grid of black and white shirts and sweaters

two dogs laying on a chair by an open window, one is napping and the other is looking outside

angled photo of printed artwork: five martini glasses filled with olives, a lemon, gherkins, an onion with an olive stuck in it, and cherries

angled photo of printed artwork: a cubby cabinet filled with various curiosities

bowl of peppery, creamy spaghetti topped with cheese and scallions

black dog lying down and facing backwards toward the camera

small brown dog in a pink plastic cone and his front paw wrapped in a bandage

black dog illuminated by firelight

white and black fluffy dog smiling in the grass with a tennis ball

little brown and black dog asleep on Clay’s lap, his head resting on a desk chair’s armrest

cloudy skies above spring training baseball game

show program for ¡Americano!

happy black dog rolling around in the grass

historic Spanish Catholic mission

iced sugar cookies in the shapes of hearts, X’s and O’s, and envelopes with heart stamps